Jun 29, 2009

Mass Effect 2: There be no New Game +... Might get Insanity mode instead

It was announced over the weekend that their will be No New Game + so to explain why, here's Preston Watamaniuk, the lead designer for Mass Effect has to say.

The short answer is no.

The reason is progression. We have been working very hard to make sure we design the abilities system to offer smooth progression into ME3 from ME2. Allowing double progression on characters makes that almost impossible. We have to have reasonable knowledge about where a character could end up finishing all content on a playthrough. We also want to offer choice of character build within specific classes.

We replaced that feature with playing after you were done because it preserves progression and allows for smoother downloading of PRC.

Tho this sucks, but it's understandable and it just might make you be a little caution, finding and killing all foes, hidden stuff, and other stuff like that comes into play. This also means that your "character" will be transfer to ME3.

Now about ME's Insanity mode. Their was grief that this was an unlock but their was a reason as Christina Norman, lead system designer explained.

Insanity difficulty was made unlockable, because it was so difficult a player needed the experience of already playing through the game in order to complete it.

Ultimately if I have to choose between those options, I will choose a harder insanity difficulty, because I believe that's what's important to our players. Overall insanity in ME2 will be harder than ME1. That's a heads up for everyone! Beating insanity on ME2 is going to be a real "achievement", a badge of honor, get ready.
So basically it'll be toned down to be playable in ME2 since their's no New Game + If they put it in... I don't mind this too much but the hardcore of the hardcore does.

So other then the none announcement that said to be delivered last friday, that's pretty much it.

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