Borderlands... So big, So angry, So awesome. This RPG-FPS is one to have if you are a fan on either or both types of games. So check out what I have to say after the jump (or hit the View Original Post if reading from Facebook). ---> Continue Reading <---
Borderlands can be fun solo but it's best played w/ 4 players for wild and crazy fun so now on to what's good.
- The Goods -
Bazillion of guns yo. You will rarely ever see 2 of the exact same gun w/ the exact same stats on them. Guns (and grenades) can have elemental effect (fire, lighting, acid, and explosive) which can be devastating on the enemy or you for that matter.
Critical Hit. This can be the difference between Tearing it up or Struggling to down your foes. Headshots will be the most common crit since you'll see more humanoid (or those small alien head) but not all have a weak spot. Only bad thing is that rocket launchers (and grenades except on final boss) have NO chance to crit at all and you might think " yes cause they do massive damage anyway" well.... I'll get to that later.
Character Special Ability. Whenever you play as the Siren,Sniper,Soldier, or Brick as Himself (Beserker), each have a unique ability from The Siren phase-walk, Sniper's pet bird, Bloodwing, Soldier's Turret, or Brick getting his Mike Tyson on, they have different gameplay to help yourself or your team. You gonna want to play as all 4 probably to level 10-15 to see who will you want to mainly play as. Also the character voices are awesome.
Special Stats on Rare Guns. Their guns that do more then what you expect from them, like shooting 2 (or more) bullets w/ 1 shot of a revolver or any other gun, rocket launcher that explodes into clusters in flight or never running out of ammo. These are great and it comes w/ a silly references from culture to movies. If you wanta read of all the specials, Go Here!
May be a dust bowl but you'll see the world eventually. You'll start out in a dusty town, well alot of the areas are dust lands so get use to it but the world environment is awesome. Cel-Shade makes it look a little comic like but it fits well. So don't worry, you'll see snow also and the enemy that kinda blends into it.
- The Bad -
Still a little buggy. They already fix some bugs including the Siren's melee not working in phase-walk but their others like Siren's Phoenix ability making auto reload not work properly and rocket launcher splash damage.. Speaking of...
Big guy does cannon ball and makes little splash. Sorry if ya offended by reference. Launchers seems to not be very useful. Yea, they have the highest damage capability in the game ( w/ Brick, it's at lease 15% more damage if you invest in the abilities) but beside "The Rooster Launcher", their a lack of splash damage that makes the launcher hardly worth it.
Need More Story Eh. It's a great game and all but I do wonder what are these guys and lady background is and why their after the vault "treasure" and not to spoiled the ending and all but huh....... and Ninja Robot.
Need A Safe Trading System. For ppl who want to trade or show off their best weapons, need a safer way then just tossing it to the ground for anyone to pick up and leave game. But I guess this can be avoided by playing w/ friends only but still would be nice.
------------ Final Verdict-------- (@^_^)@
Alright, w/ all that said, It's an awesome game, It reminds me of the good old days playing Phantasy Star Online (sorry, had the Gamecube version) w/ their crazy weapons and when online gaming was cool (guess it still is =P ). Best played w/ full party for the full experienced and game play almost spot on (minus that launcher problem). 4 out of 5
*Might be Slightly Edited*
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