Maybe I don't want to see her face after all. |
MNC been out for almost a year now on Xbox and a bit less on Steam. I want to share some things w/ you like my class specs and how I use them (most of the time) followed by what need to be improved.
My Class Endorsement / Gameplan
Support (My most played Class)
This is more of a defensive Support that can turn offensive in a heart beat. Total Recoil (Rate of Fire) can over-heal and hurt (gun) faster while building Juice w/ the boost of GrenADE (Bonus Juice). FocusAll (Shortened Recharge Time) is for his abilities of course making it available sooner. The only downside is his lack of health can lead to him getting kill by a Dagger Assassin for free unless he's overhealed "excluding a backstab" but you can replace FocusAll for armor.
My gameplan w/ Support
Buy the turret upgrade and hack upgrade as soon as the game start then overheal any and everyone you can before they depart. Find an good flanking or defense spot for your turret and hack to make it more effective. If enemy bots are near you and the area seems to be safe, melee them for twice the juice boost instead of grabing them or otherwise and don't forget to heal teammates and defense towers. (so many forget that it's frustrating). If team has advance deeper into enemy base, you'll probably want to move your turret in to help. If enemy is in your base, try to put your turret in an unsuspected spot and heal injured teammates and turrets. But if your teammate sucks or/and the enemy is to smart, you're fucked since you are after all a support.
An in your face, get kill(s), get out is what my assassin does. Assassins have the lowest health out of the 6 classes so to protect her, I went w/ Gold Armor (Gobi Numb) and Speed (LaseRazor) to be very moble. FocusAll is there to recharged my Sprint,Grab,Smoke bomb, and Cloak cause it would suck if you need to get away and it's still on cooldown.
My gameplan w/ Assassin
First off, I find it crucial to get my Sword so only invest in that 1st then kill some bots to get $ and boost my Juice. If I see an opening for a kill early on, I'll take it other wise just keep killing bots till you can buy the sword. When u get juice and they have defense guns out, use it and take those out ASAP giving your team an advantage by opening them up. If all else, be a freaken pain in the ass the entire match. (You'll usually tell when they have to resort to either making an Shave Ice machine or adding extra defense.)
What's a gunner w/o tearing his enemies to shreds w/o Total Recoil (Rate of Fire) while wearing some Fine Steel Peel (Armor). Finally for your needs, you got BionoGrip (Reload Speed) cause him reloading that machine gun is slow as fuck as it is.
My gameplan w/ Gunner
Their only 2 ways to play a Gunner. Attack ASAP or Kill bots to get $ and Juice then become Rambo and use your machine gun on pros and Mortar Launcher on everything else. ONLY invested in Gunner Machine Gun till it's level 3 then after that, Invest only in Slam till level 3 and either Gunner Deploy, Buy Gorilla Bots or/and buy/upgrade defense towers. NO $ Should be put in Grapple what so ever. It's not worth it. while juiced, Mortar Launcher can destroy almost everything so for the Gunners out there, use it more often.
I like to call him Mr. Gadget. Aptilube (Faster Ability Recharged) is for very quick trap refresh and Flak Grenade for serious damage and of course flanking. Steel Peel (Armor) for more health cause you'll likely be spending more time closer to the enemy then sniping from afar. Only downside is having Itchy Finger (Fast Firing Rate) but it's an necessary. You can still play the long range game but the endorsements will be kinda wasted.
My gameplan w/ Sniper
Invest in Traps and Upgrade your gun and find a place to make camp and start killing anything you see. Later you'll either want to upgrade gun again for Splash damage (great for more bot killing and Gunner/Support combo or lvl 3 traps to halt enemy progress and likely easy kills / get aways. If you see an Support w/ turret near enemy base, you can double your protection and hinder your enemy progress and get payed quicker. After that, you can go into upgrading Flak Grenade or/and Grapple to lvl 2. Grapple should be the last lvl 3 upgrade and sometimes, you don't even need it unless an assassin REALLY loves you to death... literally.
Tank does what tank do. Having Gobi Numb (Armor) in addition to having the highest HP makes him well, harder to kill especially when juiced. Dr. Trigger (Rate of Fire) makes his Jet Gun (from an actual Jet) and Railgun much faster to dispose of enemies. Hipclip (Clip Size) is not only for his guns....ok it's only for his guns.
My gameplan w/ Tank
Invest in tank health regenerate (not the deploy one) and on your choice of Jet Charge (recommended) or Product Grenade. Follow the bots and help push you bots to enemy base. If alone on your side you can do the juice boost by melee them a few times. If you taking damage from opponent that to far, use jet charge to get away and if you want, invest in level 2 deploy so you can heal faster. If you fully juiced, rush their base and destroy every turret you can or/and destroy your enemies w/ 1 hit kill DEATH BLOSSOMS!!! Laugh at any Assassins that actually tries to kill you from behind to only see you Jet Charge them. Also in my personal opinion, his best map is the LaseRazor Arena followed by Spunky Cola Arena.
Where's the Assault class you ask? I actually suck as him so I fell their wan't need to put a spec up right now but oddly enough I use to be awesome w/ him when the game started. So I gave you my Class Set up and Gameplan now to address a more serious issue about the Xbox version.
The Plea and What need to be Fixed
This is merely a simple request of let Uber Entertainment update the game like steam and get the new (very fun looking) Map. You are alienating the rather large Xbox community for MNC (keep in mind it's bigger then the PC community) to not see Crossfire matchmaking fixes that literally a team that is full of "prestige" players face against a long experienced players and 5 no so experienced and literally quit seconds before the match starts.
Their's also the Blue Logo screen of death when you try to connect to a server only to get "could not migrate to host" and force to quit game and restart it.
Their's a similar one that basically saids "Server is already at capacity" and it pops you back to main menu but if you go to any of the gametypes, it will automatically assumed it's looking for a match (even in single player) but it only freeze.
Their are many glitches and a few arena errors but just to name three that is the most common that I've experienced.
(This happens mainly when I play assassin) Upon respawning, 1 or 2 of my abilities won't work. This can be Sprint, Lunge, Smoke bomb, and the most crucial ability in Grapple. It basically handicaps her and simply dieing won't fix it.
The Airstrike glitch where an Support can toss up to 3 under the enemy spawn room and can kill them and sometimes lock them in stats menu for the rest of the match or they leave.
Tho not a glitch per say but still pretty bad. In the Spunky Cola Arena, their's an area where 4 out of the 6 class (especially assaults) can sneak on a ledge behind the field of play to the enemy base and either launched a surprised attack, destroy defense towers and free attack on the moneyball fore free.
Don't charge us for updates and maps that they want to give out for free and do away w/ your priority or whatever system. Just don't want to see an good game die like the way TF2 on consoles is.
BTW how awesome Uncle Tully's Funland looks.
Got an Opinion about my class or anything else about this, fell free to post and you can check the review I did for MNC Here. Oddly enough it was after last year's E3 post as well.
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