Apr 23, 2010

Rant - Damn You Youtube!!

Damn you youtube (sounds weird huh) for making sayid1206 delete all his HD English episodes of Case Close/Detective Conan (and apparently everyone else). I was up to the high 90's episode w/ the 3rd movie coming up. I was also really enjoying watching it on my TV (via: TVersity and my Xbox 360) too.

It's not like I tried to find it on the net or anything, I try google and found early episode till it stop mid show and telling me I have to wait 2 hrs to finished washing it.Youtube was the last place I searched cause of these possible reason.

Now I gotta find a site that haves it yet again... Sigh... 
(Or if you want to help me out, point me out to a site I can watch it in english "voice", do post it please.. kthx)

So about the show, it's an awesome anima show that I recommend checking out if you like detective stuff.

I'm out like Phantom Thief 1412 bitches!

(ps: I know their still some left on Youtube but I'm thinking long term)

Apr 19, 2010

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for 5$

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is now on sale for 5 bones as part of the Direct 2 Drive Spring Sale.

If you haven't play this by now then you are missing out. Even if you not a Star Wars fan, I urge you to play this epic.

Anyways.. Since this sale last only a week, you better get it now. Their is more games their selling this week like GTA4 for 7$ and more. So yea, check it out.

Remember... I don't like Spoilers..

Apr 12, 2010

Free Xbox Live Content (Puts Big Neon Sign Here)

We all love free stuff so this is where I tell you where to get free Xbox Stuff (or some that comes w/ the game).

On the CAG (Cheep Ass Gamer) forums, there this post RIGHT HERE have a constant update of freebies on Xbox Live. From Arcade Game, Avatar Stuff, Game Addons, and Premium Themes, there's lots of free stuff so check it out because some freebies don't last for long.

PS: Bing T-Shirt (Universal codes:) Meaning it's usable by everyone..

Enjoy Pimps.