Dec 24, 2011

The Light Side Juggernaut -Part 2-

Story Side

   Starting from where I left on my previous post, I enter the Fleet and from there received a flashpoint mission for Black Talons. But before I do that I need to pick my Advanced Class and as the title of this series is, I went Juggernaut. Vette wanted to talk to me so we went to the bar in the middle of the fleet. She wanted the Shock Collar off her and I'm given the 3 option of Yes,Maybe and Shock her. I took em off and she felt kinda stupid for not asking earlier. I gain some nice affection points w/ her and we'll continue our partnership. Now onto my first ever flashpoint run.

Black Talons - Level 10 - 14 Flashpoint

   I did this w/ 2 Sith Assassins (lvl 15 and other lvl 11) and the lvl 15 Companion so no healers. This was a basic (for the most part) as it is the 1st one. We did group dialog through the instances and when it come to the light side and darkside option, I was outnumbered but I still get the light side points. You get Social points through out the flashpoint story which allows you to purchase special stuff like that infamous slave bikini (that's right folks) costume. We had no trouble until the end when we wipe against the Jedi thanks to her AoE before ending her. I recommend doing this one early w/ friends or a Pick Up Group.

Dromund Kaas - Level 11 to18

   This is a BIG planet and Kass (Kansas) City looks purely awesome. You'll wish you already have a mount from all the walking Running you have to do. I meet w/ Darth Baras and he wants me to oversee the transfer of a prisoner. Arriving at the cargo port and speaking to Commander Lanklyn two rival group lead by Slestack and TuMarr wanting the prisoner for their own means. The options that comes after is the reason why I like this class mission alot because of how it can go down. You can just Attack them all and get the jump, they team up to kill you or my favorite, get them to kill each other w/o dirtying your hands. After Getting the prisoner to Baras, you are sent to do other mission and while your master interrogate the Republic Agent.

The Power of Revan's Mask...... Frighting.
   Going off the class story a bit, you get a quest to find the identify of the Revanites Leader. For people that didn't played KOTOR, he/she was a master of the Light and Dark side. You do trials to be initiated into the cult like retrieving Revan's mask among others. After completion you innitation, you meet the master but she knows of what your contact wants to do to this cult and wants to frame his master of being the leader(Light Side Points) or I could lie. I of course agree to do it and so ends that Revan story.... For now.

   Back to the class story now, Baras, unsuccessfuly not being able to break Grik Sonosan wants me to retrieved an ancient torture device from the Dark Temple called the Ravager. Soon after retirving it, He force it on Grik and he instantly start giving the answers. Girk tells us that their's a young padawan w/ the power to see corruption in people but to keep their identify secret, he doesn't know it's name and such before the Ravager clams his mind and life. Baras gives me my own ship in Fury as he orders me off to the next 2 planets to kill his spies to cover his tracks.

Now this padawan is interesting cause since I'm playing a Light Side Juggernaut. If I meet this character, will my light side play a major role in this and possibly become a Jedi?!?! Who knows...


Combat Side

   W/ my companion Vette, it makes leveling as a tank easier since we don't exactly put out the godlike DPS  (Damage Per Second). She pulls aggro off me pretty easily and their in lies one of my problems from 10 to 14 or 16. Juggernaut don't get any aggro ability till 14 in Soresu Form and 16 in Taunt. Having taunt at level 12 would of been fine to have for my 1st Flashpoint. I'm going mostly Immortal built so I'll be ready to tank and be effective in defending my teammate in PvP w/ the Guard ability. Speaking of PvP....

Player vs Player Side

   My Role in PvP is to be the shield of my teammates that need it, a distraction, and the Huttball Ball holder/defender.

   No World PvP at this level since we're to far apart so warzones will have to do. Huttball can be an awesome game when other players know what to do instead of killing the person w/o the ball. I have not play enough of the others, 1 is Attack and Defend while the other is Capture and Hold. My minor gripes are when I use guard on an teammate, we might get separated due to knockback or the terrain. I would like it that below the character's feet that an icon appears pointing you towards the person you guarded. The other is an option to turn off character titles or/and legacy name in PvP cause it can be confusing at times. My biggest however is class specific in Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight. Seeing as many class has Crowd Controlling abilities, we don't get none of that till level 24 so you will feel a bit under powered till then.

   PvPing can be a great resource for XP although slightly nerfed since beta and Credit. By doing this, you can out level an Zone/Planet in a few matches at early level at lease.

   I will also say this.. If you see a stats like this for a Juggernaut. Can you please vote for him/her for MVP cause we keeping your damage taken lowered by 50%. We want love =)

Anyways... Game CD just arrived.. time to play!

Dec 22, 2011

The Light Side Juggernaut

    Hey people and aliens if you out there in a galaxy far far away. Here's my series about my journey in SWTOR as a Light Side Juggernaut (Tank Advanced Class) on Nadd's Sarcophagus named Acedog. I started playing this on Day Zero (Day before launch) so I didn't get the benefit of the full week start so w/ that, lets began.

Korriban - Level 1 to11

Story Side

    The starting planet for sith force users. I'm introduce to Overseer Tremel, the man that call me to this planet because he sensed potential in me. He wants me to dethrown Vermin, a rival I never met from his master and stop his plans. I proceed to follow his orders through many stuff like Interrogating 3 different people in which you can kill all (Dark Side Answer), recruit 1 to work for the Sith (Light Side Answer), letting 1 rot in jail for his failure (Light Side Answer), or/and letting one free (Light Side Answer) but my superior wasn't pleased I let him walk out w/ knowledge of our planet. After doing 2 more things including killing a powerful elite beast solo before I'm summoned by Darth Baras. He see that I'm being rising up the ranks to fast and have undermined the required training progress and orders me to kill Tremel and bring back his hand as proof. I fight him but I told him I won't enjoy this before hand and then w/ him defeated, ready for the killing blow, I simply said I only need your hand. After he cut his left hand w/ his lightsaber he thank me and flee off the planet. Never to be heard of, who knows but I return to Darth Baras and he appoint me as his new apprentice and seeing my potentials. 

    He tells me in join the rest of the students in getting 3 shards from the ruins or I will die if failed. So I went and easily got the 3 shards then one of the last surviving students name Klemral so he attack me for the shards cause there is no rules in how you get them. After defeating him easily, he submit and pretty much see himself as a dead man but I took pity and gave him my shards (Light Side Answer) and got 3 more and return to Darth Baras w/ Vermin and Klemral. Baras see Klemral is not sith material and orders him to work w/ the dude in the prisoner room and Vermin gets extremely pissed after hearing he's not Baras favorite and is ordered back to his office for further instructions. I have one final mission and that is to use the Captured Twi'lek named Vette to find the hidden ruins and she  becomes my first companion character. We made our way to the tomb and unaware that Vermin is lurking in the shadows to kill me when Klemral quickly warned me before he struck (probably save me from being weakened before we fight) and Klemral dies for his effort. The fight against Vermin isn't a cakewalk at all, I died 1st try before beating him then told him he put up and valuated effort and anbody has to die over then but His sith pride would have none of that so i was force w/ killing him (gain Light Side point for not wanting to kill). I finally gain my lightsaber and meet w/ Baras and he is more then pleased w/ what I done on this planed and order me to head to Dromund Kaas (or what i like to call it Dark Kansas). 

Before I head there, I arrived on the Imperial Fleet which is basicly acting like an capital city in space. Their 3 ways to get to Kass but I'll be continue later.

Combat Side 
As a Sith Warrior, you will fall in love w/ Force Charge (lvl 3) and overall it's mostly satisfying. Just thing to note that the lack of a Combat Log really sucks. I like to see my damage input and damage taken cause I like to analyse it to better learn since I an going to be a tank. Me need to know what exactly hit me and stuff.

PvP wise, their is none till you hit 10 and then you'll have to do it in warzones.

Even tho I play this class quest twice during beta, I like where the Sith warrior story is heading. It's like a rise to power type who will do it either by any means necessary or/and by a more doing the helpful and smart thing. 

The Sith Warrior is voiced by Mark Bazeley and is it wrong that I love the way he says " Your Name...... NOW!"?

Stay tune for more of..... The Light Side Juggernaut!

Dec 19, 2011

The Quiekies!

Hey there.. Just a quick heads up, I might be doing something different for Star Wars: TOR Review kinda like a series or something so stay too. In the mean time.. Check out this SS from BETA I manage to get.

This is just the beginning.

And a quick review of Skyrim.............. 5/5 It's just amazing.. Can't say anything else that ppl already said but Fix PS3 issues..

Cya later!

Sep 19, 2011

DC Universe Online goes Free 2 Play

DCUO will be the latest big timer to go F2P this October. Their will be consequences for Free players but you get more out of it unlike Champions Online. Here's the rundown per user preferences.

  • Free: New players will now have access to the current gameplay in DC Universe Online (including Gotham City, Metropolis, and all current raids and alerts), with the ability to create two characters, join a league and many other benefits. Free level players will be able to purchase downloadable game packs/updates, additional character slots, powers and more through microtransactions.
  • Premium: Any player who has spent at least $5 USD (including former paid subscribers and new players who have purchased $5 of in-game items) will qualify for the Premium access level. Premium level players will have more benefits available to them than the Free level player, including additional character slots, additional inventory slots, and higher cash limits. Downloadable adventure packs, additional character slots, and more can be purchased in-game.
  • Legendary: Maximum features and benefits are included at this level. Loaded with enhanced additional features, Legendary access will be available for a $14.99 USD monthly fee and includes all DLC packs at no cost, more than 15 character slots, more than 80 inventory slots, the ability to form unrestricted-sized leagues, and many other benefits.
You can see the subscription in detail by clicking HERE.

I'll be checking this out on PC or the PS3 I "borrowed" from my bro and making my weapon using toons.

Since we are on the F2P subject, President of SOE, John Smedley said in an Interview that SWTOR (Star  Wars: The Old Republic) will be the last of the Big MMOs in terms of subscription only games. This might be a "hidden" part why DCUO is going F2P. Go sign up and check it when it's out.

Aug 22, 2011

Review: Vindictus

Destruction is a thing of beauty.. Isn't it.

    Vindictus is an Action MMO Game made by Nexon using the Source Engine from Valve that brings brutal physics, party play and story. You'll be hack & slashing your way threw enemies while destroying the surrounding around you. Now that the intro is done with, let's jump to other stuff shale we.

    Combat is simple, You left and right mouse button or S and D on the keyboard to attack. You can't just keep spamming attack cause you'll lose stamina much quicker and leave yourself to an open attack that could be life or death. Their can be timing between attacks if you needed but not by much like for example for a Karok - x2, can pause here and quickly look for enemy,, can pause here into Dropkick. You can also cancel most moves by simply dodging. Beyond that, you'll need to learn how to dodge to live and be credit to team.

    Gameplay is pretty simple as well. You and up to 3 others will get on a party boat (no really) and do Battle Quest Dungeons for quest, loot, AP (ability points), and XP. Battle Quest can be simple enough to solo (if u want) till around the Raid Battle Quest - Dethrone The White Tyrant (Similar but harder battle quest pictured right) then enemy bosses gets tougher and you have to LEARN to not get hit cause 1-3 hits can be your death if you're not careful. Most Battle quest gives you an additional goal like, completing it w/o Armor and increased difficult but why stop their cause you can do all that in hard mode which actually decreases Bosses HP but you won't see their HP and they they hit like trucks.

    The Four Character that you can play as are Lann the duel wielding specialist, Evie the magic expert, Fiona the warrior, and Karok the piller wielding giant. They have unique abilities "especially Evie" like Lann's Berserk Party Buff, Evie's Ice Spear and Karok's Boss Rush. All of the classes beside Karok tries to make you choose what direction you want like Swords or Spears for Lann, and Sword or Hammer for Fiona. They come w/ their advantages and disadvantages like for Sword Lann damage may not be as great early to mid game as Spear Lann but have an higher survivability rate cause of Slip Dash's Damage Invisibility factor. Their will be a 5th character in Kai the bowman/woman but no word when will that be.

    NPCs.... You rarely see any of the main ones beside their pics but they are in the town. To interact w/ them, you have to visit where their located and you'll just get a panning of the room and their likeness on the bottom left screen. You can see what I mean further below in picture form.

8 man Raid (7 on this pic) to kill 2 giant spiders.. Where's the Giant Bug Spray when u need it!

The Cool Features 

  • Graphics are just beautiful from the dungeons to the armor you're wearing that look like it just got waxed. It's alot of details and most w/o hindering a low spec PC.
  • Destructible Environments - the fact that it's actually encourage to help kill your enemies and find hidden stuff is great but it can hurt you as well. You can pick up the debris from them and use it as temporary weapons until you either run out of stamina, breaks, or you getting hit. 

  • Armor you wear can succumb to the enemy,objects, or/and fall damage and break in the middle of a fight leaving you in only your underwear and your defense shot up.
  • Event(s) are happening like from the faster crafting leveling and just being log in at certain times to get free and sometimes rare stuff that you would have to pay real money for. When one ends, another event seems almost instant.

  • Lastly the Paladin/Dark Knight transformation (Right - Evie, Fiona pally and dark knight Lann). At level 40, you get the chain quest which is easy until the Holy Ground Battle Quest which can only be done on Hard mode. After you die many times to complete it, you'll have to either save or kill a certain character (you'll probably be like YES, finally I can kill "insert name here") in the quest. Depending on your choice you can be paladin or dark knight. The ability can be use only once per hour and can last for 2 minuets but you gain more power, health, and other bonuses you apply to your transformation level.

The Downside

    Although their tons of battle quest, you will be doing them over and over for many reasons. The other is that their's only two City/Town and one you'll only be visiting (Rocheste) a few times till lvl 59. I would love more cities and towns so that we'll have fresh unique locations. Lastly is that their isn't a more variety of gear. Everyone one running around in the same gear as you but in different shiny colors kinda takes most of the originality out of your character.

    Some features that needs a long hard look into for start is the Auction House. It is THE worst I have ever used. Making your AH web-like based is appalling cause for strange reasons it will get those internet errors, get white screen, or just not appear and have to wait on your end to fix it while I'm still playing the game. Another problems is the sell items is NOT part of the AH interface which means I have to Check AH on current prices, then click on the sell options which closes the AH window and loads that up and then I can sell and rinse and repeat that times how many items I want to sale. Last thing about it that's horrible search or lack their of. All you get is an search bar above and nothing else we have saw in other AH like item/lvl specific and the likes. Their's no reason for that so please fix it ASAP. 

    That's all for the auction house but their's more stiff like the Items falling threw world, getting stuck on bosses body (you're screw if this happens if you're solo or the last person standing unless you can kill it 1st), Getting stuck in walls (seems to be a karok only problem most of the time) the lack of a storage bank other then out mailboxes, and the most famous is the 5'o clock (PST) lag fest that comes w/ its own problems.

    Overall, I really Like the game, 4 out of 5 like but if they can address the issues then it will be that much better for it. I'm on the West Server w/ a lvl 49 Karok and a lvl 47 Lann currently so see ya in game.

PS: Sorry if you don't see shadow in some pics. I usually turn them off in MMO's these days.
PSS: I would of did a video review but the in-game video recorder made it to laggy to get clear footage. Now you know their's that options in game tho and can be set to youtube quality.
PSSS: Special Thanks to a friend for mention this game to me.

Make of these pics I took as you like. Most were random. Except #4... I ended up in a mini alternate world. No# 1 however happened so quick that I was lucky to even get the SS off. Seriously.. WTF!


Aug 4, 2011

Summer of F2P MMO Quick Reviews

Lets get right into it shale we..

Forsaken World - This MMO is.... Interesting. You can level to 12-15 in probably a little more then six hrs but eventually, their will be a wall you have to go through. While you level, you'll probably notice their 2 money system in Soul and Gold. Soul money can't be traded in any way nor can be used in Auction houses while Gold money can be traded and use for everything else besides for some venders who want soul money. The ONLY way to gain Gold money is to do certain group quest and events. I just don't understand why they made it like this, I like to upgrade my items from auction house purchase but not being able to sucks.

Combat can be frustrating at times mainly due to you can't do ANYTHING while running unlike most MMO's especially if you're a range class. Guess they want it to be like resident evil, stand still and kill stuff. Overall, I didn't like it (you might maybe) and their's no chance I'll return to Forsaken World.

Extra Points for Where Jr. Comes From.
Champions Online - This game was to be the Marvel / X-men online game but the fall out result in this. The Stories are hits and alot of misses. The Combat is rather fun but IF you going to play for free, you can't make a custom archtypes like say, I wanted a dual pistols wielding dude Like Jr. (Picture right), you gonna have to subscribe or be stuck using the "Soidier" Archtype. Overall, it had potentials but it falls flat on it's face but I might play it again.

Spiral Knights - This MMO can take probably 1 to 2 hrs of your time per day unless you just stand in town due to you get 100 energy per 22hrs. Doing dungeons (10 per) and crafting cost energy ( depending on item, 10 to 800) but you can gain energy from buying it w/ game money or real money. The Dungeons are random and brings different challenges for your fight to go deeper into Haven. Combat is a simple hack "n" slash so nothing really special there. It's worth trying out and you don't even have to Download it.

You can Download all 3 from Steam or from their official site (or in Spiral Knight case, play from their site)

Their is one Game left out due to it need it's own review unlike the others. Will it be that good or really bad is for you to guess.

Jul 22, 2011

Where in the world is that man...

Fáilte (it's Irish) everyone!

Sorry for this MIA but this been an eventful summer. Just to give you the what's up is family stuff, won dungeon siege 1,2 and 3, some toothach, PC died and resurrected, ppl careless driving, and job hunt. Now that's out of the way, I have a Summer of F2P MMO's write up coming soon with in the next 2 weeks so stay tune.

One last thing for fighting game junkies and even if you aren't, tune in to the EVO 2011(Evolution) Stream. It's the Biggest fighting game tournament W/ the featured games being MK9, SSF4: AE, and MvC3 but their will be other games like BlazBlue, Tekken 6 and more on main or (more likely) alternative streams. Speaking of, Stream is being held be the one and only Victor of Team Spooky (The King of Poverty) and Haunts and his gang from IPlayWinner. Only Suck part is that have to use the EVO Ustream TV channel which we all know that Ustream sucks compare to / The Battle begins on July 29 and Finals on 31st. For more info, Check ,, and

Maybe we'll get memorable stuff like last year w/ G4's X-Play Host Adam Sessler on the commentary again to see more funny and bad commentary "A Furry... A Furry from Ricky Ortiz.." and then Unknown player named Gamerbee knocking "America's Best Hope" Justin Wong out in SSF4 w/ Adon "The Worst Character in the game" as he said on twitter just before last year's EVO.

Turn up your Volume...... Alot.. They goofed up the sound quality.

Till next blog post but in the mean while, Flip some tables! (╯°□°))╯︵ ┻━┻

Jun 15, 2011

Warrior - Enter the Lost Garden

I just thought I'll let you see my latest desktop but it doesn't mean that I'll be doing the monthly post again. I listed all the stuff below so check it.

Via Flickr:
Rainmeter - GeoSans 2.0 ( )

RocketDock -

Text Icons - Reflections DOCK by styrizo ( )

WIndows Theme - Licorice VS by lassekongo83 ( )

Wallpaper "I had to edit this awesome wallpaper due to it's massive size" - ( )

Jun 3, 2011

Monday Night Combat Tips & Tricks & Fixes

Maybe I don't want to see her face after all.

MNC been out for almost a year now on Xbox and a bit less on Steam. I want to share some things w/ you like my class specs and how I use them (most of the time) followed by what need to be improved.

My Class Endorsement / Gameplan

Support (My most played Class)

This is more of a defensive Support that can turn offensive in a heart beat. Total Recoil (Rate of Fire) can over-heal and hurt (gun) faster while building Juice w/ the boost of GrenADE (Bonus Juice). FocusAll (Shortened Recharge Time) is for his abilities of course making it available sooner. The only downside is his lack of health can lead to him getting kill by a Dagger Assassin for free unless he's overhealed "excluding a backstab" but you can replace FocusAll for armor.

My gameplan w/ Support
Buy the turret upgrade and hack upgrade as soon as the game start then overheal any and everyone you can before they depart. Find an good flanking or defense spot for your turret and hack to make it more effective. If enemy bots are near you and the area seems to be safe, melee them for twice the juice boost instead of grabing them or otherwise and don't forget to heal teammates and defense towers. (so many forget that it's frustrating). If team has advance deeper into enemy base, you'll probably want to move your turret in to help. If enemy is in your base, try to put your turret in an unsuspected spot and heal injured teammates and turrets. But if your teammate sucks or/and the enemy is to smart, you're fucked since you are after all a support.


An in your face, get kill(s), get out is what my assassin does. Assassins have the lowest health out of the 6 classes so to protect her, I went w/ Gold Armor (Gobi Numb) and Speed (LaseRazor) to be very moble. FocusAll is there to recharged my Sprint,Grab,Smoke bomb, and Cloak cause it would suck if you need to get away and it's still on cooldown.

My gameplan w/ Assassin
First off, I find it crucial to get my Sword so only invest in that 1st then  kill some bots to get $ and boost my Juice. If I see an opening for a kill early on, I'll take it other wise just keep killing bots till you can buy the sword. When u get juice and they have defense guns out, use it and take those out ASAP giving your team an advantage by opening them up. If all else, be a freaken pain in the ass the entire match. (You'll usually tell when they have to resort to either making an Shave Ice machine or adding extra defense.)

What's a gunner w/o tearing his enemies to shreds w/o Total Recoil (Rate of Fire) while wearing some Fine Steel Peel (Armor). Finally for your needs, you got BionoGrip (Reload Speed) cause him reloading that machine gun is slow as fuck as it is.

My gameplan w/ Gunner
Their only 2 ways to play a Gunner. Attack ASAP or Kill bots to get $ and Juice then become Rambo and use your machine gun on pros and Mortar Launcher on everything else. ONLY invested in Gunner Machine Gun till it's level 3 then after that, Invest only in Slam till level 3 and either Gunner Deploy, Buy Gorilla Bots or/and buy/upgrade defense towers. NO $ Should be put in Grapple what so ever. It's not worth it. while juiced, Mortar Launcher can destroy almost everything so for the Gunners out there, use it more often.


I like to call him Mr. Gadget. Aptilube (Faster Ability Recharged) is for very quick trap refresh and Flak Grenade for serious damage and of course flanking. Steel Peel (Armor) for more health cause you'll likely be spending more time closer to the enemy then sniping from afar. Only downside is having Itchy Finger (Fast Firing Rate) but it's an necessary. You can still play the long range game but the endorsements will be kinda wasted.

My gameplan w/ Sniper
Invest in Traps and Upgrade your gun and find a place to make camp and start killing anything you see. Later you'll either want to upgrade gun again for Splash damage (great for more bot killing and Gunner/Support combo or lvl 3 traps to halt enemy progress and likely easy kills / get aways. If you see an Support w/ turret near enemy base, you can double your protection and hinder your enemy progress and get payed quicker. After that, you can go into upgrading Flak Grenade or/and Grapple to lvl 2. Grapple should be the last lvl 3 upgrade and sometimes, you don't even need it unless an assassin REALLY loves you to death... literally.

Tank does what tank do. Having Gobi Numb (Armor) in addition to having the highest HP makes him well, harder to kill especially when juiced. Dr. Trigger (Rate of Fire) makes his Jet Gun (from an actual Jet) and Railgun much faster to dispose of enemies. Hipclip (Clip Size) is not only for his guns....ok it's only for his guns.

My gameplan w/ Tank
Invest in tank health regenerate (not the deploy one) and on your choice of Jet Charge (recommended) or Product Grenade. Follow the bots and help push you bots to enemy base. If alone on your side you can do the juice boost by melee them a few times. If you taking damage from opponent that to far, use jet charge to get away and if you want, invest in level 2 deploy so you can heal faster. If you fully juiced, rush their base and destroy every turret you can or/and destroy your enemies w/ 1 hit kill DEATH BLOSSOMS!!! Laugh at any Assassins that actually tries to kill you from behind to only see you Jet Charge them. Also in my personal opinion, his best map is the LaseRazor Arena followed by Spunky Cola Arena.

Where's the Assault class you ask? I actually suck as him so I fell their wan't need to put a spec up right now but oddly enough I use to be awesome w/ him when the game started. So I gave you my Class Set up and Gameplan now to address a more serious issue about the Xbox version.

The Plea and What need to be Fixed

This is merely a simple request of let Uber Entertainment update the game like steam and get the new (very fun looking) Map. You are alienating the rather large Xbox community for MNC (keep in mind it's bigger then the PC community) to not see Crossfire matchmaking fixes that literally a team that is full of "prestige" players face against a long experienced players and 5 no so experienced and literally quit seconds before the match starts.

Their's also the Blue Logo screen of death when you try to connect to a server only to get "could not migrate to host" and force to quit game and restart it.

Their's a similar one that basically saids "Server is already at capacity" and it pops you back to main menu but if you go to any of the gametypes, it will automatically assumed it's looking for a match (even in single player) but it only freeze.

Their are many glitches and a few arena errors but just to name three that is the most common that I've experienced.

(This happens mainly when I play assassin) Upon respawning, 1 or 2 of my abilities won't work. This can be Sprint, Lunge, Smoke bomb, and the most crucial ability in Grapple. It basically handicaps her and simply dieing won't fix it.

The Airstrike glitch where an Support can toss up to 3 under the enemy spawn room and can kill them and sometimes lock them in stats menu for the rest of the match or they leave.

Tho not a glitch per say but still pretty bad. In the Spunky Cola Arena, their's an area where 4 out of the 6 class (especially assaults) can sneak on a ledge behind the field of play to the enemy base and either launched a surprised attack, destroy defense towers and free attack on the moneyball fore free.

Don't charge us for updates and maps that they want to give out for free and do away w/ your priority or whatever system. Just don't want to see an good game die like the way TF2 on consoles is.

BTW how awesome Uncle Tully's Funland looks.

Got an Opinion about my class or anything else about this, fell free to post and you can check the review I did for MNC Here. Oddly enough it was after last year's E3 post as well.

May 31, 2011

E3 predictions Round 2

E3, the most magical week in gaming (before PAX Prime) is almost here and I thought I'll do another E3 prediction write-up for the Big 3 and add Bioware into the mix so w/o further delay, here's my 20 predictions.

PS: High chances of me updating predictions up-till E3.

My Microsoft Prediction(s) - Press Conference date/time -> Monday, June 6, 9:30 AM PDT

  • Halo CE remake confirmed, crowd loses it's shit. ( we will just say yes.... for halo 4,5, and 6 )
  • Getting a Timed Exclusive DLC that will look awesome.
  • Lots of Kinect info, pie/bar charts and new upcoming games for it. ( Yes then no and then Yes again )
  • Announced another extension to Xbox like (facebook,ESPN, etc) and leave you wondering..... Why? ( when you think about it, no.. Youtube, Live Tv, and the eh "from many ppl" of Bing is welcome. )
  • To somehow be the baddest press conference for the 2nd straight year. ( I'm actually gonna say no but I wlll throw sony in the mix. They both focus on Kinect and Move/Vita a little to much to my liking. )
My Sony Prediction(s) - Press Conference date/time -> Monday, June 6, 5:00 PM PDT

  • Sony to get Booed at the start unless they start out w/ their pitchman. ( Double no, He didn't even make an appearances )
  • Sony to address their recent issues for like 3 mins. ( Probably more but yes, but don't make a joke out of it at the start on you conference. Just a slap in the face to the ppl that was effected by it.)
  • Sony to get more support from Valve (like w/ Portal 2). ( Nope.avi ) 
  • Reveal of Never heard Exclusive game.
  • Even more Free giveaways on PSN! ( Nope )
My Nintendo Prediction(s) - Press Conference date/time -> Tuesday, June 7, 9:00 AM PDT

  • "Project Cafe" will be equally powerful as the PS3 (It kinda looks like it so Plausible?)
  • Release Date of New Zelda game ( all we got is This Year so nope )
  • A WTF Moment not including the "New" Console ( Yes, many times, Ninja Gaiden 3 on Wii U for one )
  • Star Fox finally makes a console return. The Space shooter, not that crap that is Star Fox Adventure. ( unfortunally nope )
  • Best conference out of the big 3 again. ( Yes Yes and............. Yes )
  • Online features to either be left out OR be like the PS3 in ways for "Project Cafe" ( their keeping that info for now so ??? )
  • Xenoblade or/and The Last Story to comes to the west. ( I wish man )


  • Mass Effect 3 will have multiplayer aspects like Fable 2 and 3
  • Mass Effect 3 will also be 2 times as long as ME2
  • Plans of what they will do to expand on the Mass Effect universe after the trilogy.
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic will announced open beta (to do what RIFT did to perfection) but still no release date cause of beta.
  • A "Here..Take my Money" game that Isn't Mass Effect,Dragon Age, nor SW: TOR.

And there are my predictions. You can watch G4TV's Live E3 Coverage on the 6th and for those who's on Direct TV (they gave G4 the boot this spring for.. you know why..) them along w/ IGN, Gametrailer, and more will be live streams on their respected sites. If you wanta chat while watching it, (gaming section) is the place to go since brodcasters will be streaming it as well.

I'll put up the results after E3 so stay toon. Till next time folks.

Apr 30, 2011


This is crazy and kinda life-like when you 1st see it then it feels weird. More HERE if you want to see everything. o_O

Apr 29, 2011

RANT: Pimps = Suspended

DA Hell!! I Planed a 3hr of playing MNC and now I can't!?  =(
9:44 P.M., I booted my Xbox 360 while watching some Draft aftermath on ESPN (Shotouts to Jake Locker going #8) 6 mins later I switch over to see I'm suspended from Xbox (till Saturday or longer as they deem fit as the email saids). I'm like thinking this came from a VERY SALTY person who RAGE Quit on MvC 3 or locking entire team down w/ Sniper (Frost traps into easy headshots) or other things in MNC so I was piss off cause a player basically got me suspended. Minutes later I read the email stating the suspension and what they did this for is on my bio.

"Games a pretty cool guy doesn't afraid of anything. Visit my blog at - - Drop a line in pimps."

I had that exact bio for way over a year and nothing was made of it until today. I just figure cause I use the word "pimps" alone that they did this is really unfortunate. I do not mean negative things when I use the word "pimps".  I get it can be a negative word, I just use it to express awesomeness sometimes but I digress.
Actual Pic of an actual bio that will not be seeing this any more.

I would of like to have a warning of sort or even speak to them about this before it happened but now, it leave me w/ a now "scared" record and for ppl that knows me I do not want to be associated w/ anything that can be damaging to myself, family, or/and friends even tho this is no where near a crime.

Microsoft and Xbox Team, I'll surely change it when if ever this is lifted but I'm just sad that this happened the way it did. If the word "pimps" was NOT the reason why I can't play online then what the hell is the reason behind this. I might talk to them via Email just to clarify the reason but I believe it won't even be answered. All I can really ask at this point if to not put the "CODE OF CONDUCT" on my account just to have people think I'm a cheater as well. I do not want to be something I'm not. 

PS: You know what, this still could of been an act of a SALTY (look it up if you're lost) player but use my Bio as a means to get me banned.

Mar 27, 2011

Leet Files

Was Defraging Friday when I saw I had 1337 ( Nerd terms for Elite ) files so sure I'll post it here.

Mar 22, 2011

My thoughts on MvC3

   Marvel vs Capcom 3 has been out for a month now and their been lots of talk about many things and I going to get in to on this post. MvC3 is a fun game that can provide fast gameplay w/ your favorite character but if you want to be good, then you want synergy w/ your team. I personally based my team around Amaterasu since Okami was a awesome game and I wanted to rep the goddess. It can also be frustrating at times when 1 mistake leads to you losing and you keep losing like 5 straight but it is like that sometimes.

    Capcops, err I meant capcom released a update today to fix and balanced some things.
  • Sentinel now haves 905,000 health from 1.3m
  • Hagger/ Spencer hyper glitch fixed (it was fun while it lasted)
  • Akuma's Infinite is gone
and some more you can check here or check this vid by Desk.

     Before I go on, I recommend you check out the Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Hyper Guide where you'll find tons of info for starters to vets and constantly being updated. Also check out Trag13's Youtube Channel to check out nifty combos for your characters not to mention he's helping the the hyper guide mention above. Now their's things that get ppl so mad that they rage and end up hating the game so here's my thoughts and advice on some.

The Keep Away Game - Characters like Arthur and Dormammu (as can other characters like Sentinel) can keep you in your own zone away from them. It can be very frustrating when they tossing their projectiles at you and using doom or sentinel assist to cover spaces they can't cover well but it's very rewarding when you finally get in and they can do almost nothing about it. Instead of bitching, quiting and sending pm's basically saying you suck, be a man and fight. I say get knowledge to blow them up.

Sentinel - Nobody like him due to his power, cheapness, and hp but news of today's patch is they NERF his hp to 905k. This makes me think the overwhelming complanting about him got to capcom and i can tell you he did not deserve it. He's a mutant hunter, built to fight and withstand the mutant forces so the 1.3m hp was just. As for what to do against the machine, This video will help you and also, Don't FUCK w/ Sentinel while he's in X-Factor

Above all else... DEAL WITH IT! He's not going anywhere.

Phoenix - Another hated person despite having the Lowest HP "420k" in the game. Yes, she's gonna play a mix of keep away and teleport mix-ups but here's what you do to kill her before she gets 5 meter and goes Dark Phoenix, snap her in and kill her. Sure it's not that simple but just know 1 hit you land on her can lead to her doom. Another strategy is that if she is the last person remaining but has 5 meters, you could run away but the flaw in it is the time. MvC3 time isn't normal like 1 seconds = 1 sec, but more like 1 sec = 3-4 seconds real time. Recently Final Round ( a Major fighting game tournament held the the ATL ) someone ran away for phoenix for 60 game seconds so it can be done. If you unfortunately get her turned into Dark Phoenix, you can try to control it by checking this guide or find your own way but for phoenix users that are are super quick, you can teleport out of the akuma one atlease. One final note, She do not need a damage nerf, she can destroys planets. Nuff said.

X-Factor - This is the game chancing ability. It was not in any of the other series but it was to some extent in TvsC. For ppl that don't know what X-Factor is... 

  • It's a 1 time use (per match) when activated
  • Increased damage by 100% to 300% (depending on remaining characters)
  • No chip damage
  • Speed increase
  • Gain red health back
  • Canceling normal and hyper combo into more normal and hyper combos
  • Canceling whiffed normal and hyper combo to avoid being punished (ie: Bionic Arm being blocked)
That's alot of stuff X-Factor can do and for that, most hate it. Top players wish it was either nerfed or have an option to turned it off for tournament. I gotta say tho, I kinda agree but only for damage to be 50%, 100%,  200% and that chip damage is half during the duration.

If you can't adapt and handle it then this is not the game for you and as for the rest of you, I'll see you online. maybe...

Mar 10, 2011

For the 100th time...

Luke, I am your farther and he welcomes you to the new look of of my blog.

    1st off check out Don3Dimensions, a blog from a cool friend of mines in Donntae (What's Up!) not to mention he also writes on Examiner and his awesome 3D work so check it yo. He's also isn't afraid of anything.

    Now for an update on my RPG Mania posted in December that I knocked down. I don't know what to really play atm since I'm trying to do and see alot of stuff at once so we'll see. Check the full list on the December post if you wondering what I'm talking about.

  • Mass Effect 2 ( Main character "Paragon", Insane Mode, Hopefully all major DLC ) DONE!
  • Eternal Sonata ( 3rd Play-through, Try to get rare items.......again ) DONE! then I sold it w/ other games for MvC 3
  • Torchlight ( 5th Character, Son of retire Alchemist Pet Master, get em to max lvl ) Lvl 71 atm.
  • Fallout 3 ( maybe?? Finished up the DLC game on main ) SOLD also!
  • Fable 2 ( Maybe?? Just to get 2 easy achievements, 2nd play-through ) also SOLD this.
  • Neverwinter Nights 2 - On Chapter 2

  •     Pax East is almost here but I'm not really looking for much game info beside Bioware's MMORPG SW:TOR since they said they will be big news about it. I'm excited about it but also keeping myself from being too hyped up. Starting today, you're now able to make your own guild so get your friends together and get on it. Now for what I'm hoping for Bioware to announced is Open Beta announcement, lots of gameplay footage/story, maybe release date "May the 4th be w/ you?" (quote from gamebreaker tv's fans) and system requirements. Speaking of that, I been in need of a new PC for like 2 years and here's how bad it is from best to worst in the family.
    1. Brother Alienware Gaming PC ($3000 + and kinda future proof I think)
    2. Mom's Touchscreen Media PC ( $900 + tho I think it was overpaid)
    3. Sister NEW HP Pavilion dv6-3025dx NoteBook ( $455 )
    4. My 6 year old Alienware Custom Gaming PC ( $3700 including the Monitor and a kick ass 5.1 Surround Sound at the time ... 1.0 GB of RAM and Memory)
    5. Dad PC originally the family PC over 10 years ago. It still got AOL on it. but he rarely use the PC anyways.
    Yep... I have a long road ahead of me but it's in the planing stages. It's gonna be a Mainstream Gaming PC w/ price range around $1300 max. Now moving on to Music..

        8BitCollective is an awesome site for chiptune music (and some other but all music involve a form of chiptune). I urge you to check out the Music of Last Week 1st which is the top view and like and It updates every sunday. You can also check the latest and search for specific artist or/and song. You don't pay anything and don't need to make an account either so w/ that said, let me start you off on some below.
    So this pretty much wraps up #100 tho not a big deal by any means but thank for visiting me blog here even if it was an accident, thx you to.

    Also, I'm Winning!.... < insert troll face here >

    PS: Here's a Insanely Awesome clip.. Please Enjoy!

    Feb 17, 2011

    Got Something

    This post contain pictures so hit that link to see it all. With that said,
