Dec 22, 2011

The Light Side Juggernaut

    Hey people and aliens if you out there in a galaxy far far away. Here's my series about my journey in SWTOR as a Light Side Juggernaut (Tank Advanced Class) on Nadd's Sarcophagus named Acedog. I started playing this on Day Zero (Day before launch) so I didn't get the benefit of the full week start so w/ that, lets began.

Korriban - Level 1 to11

Story Side

    The starting planet for sith force users. I'm introduce to Overseer Tremel, the man that call me to this planet because he sensed potential in me. He wants me to dethrown Vermin, a rival I never met from his master and stop his plans. I proceed to follow his orders through many stuff like Interrogating 3 different people in which you can kill all (Dark Side Answer), recruit 1 to work for the Sith (Light Side Answer), letting 1 rot in jail for his failure (Light Side Answer), or/and letting one free (Light Side Answer) but my superior wasn't pleased I let him walk out w/ knowledge of our planet. After doing 2 more things including killing a powerful elite beast solo before I'm summoned by Darth Baras. He see that I'm being rising up the ranks to fast and have undermined the required training progress and orders me to kill Tremel and bring back his hand as proof. I fight him but I told him I won't enjoy this before hand and then w/ him defeated, ready for the killing blow, I simply said I only need your hand. After he cut his left hand w/ his lightsaber he thank me and flee off the planet. Never to be heard of, who knows but I return to Darth Baras and he appoint me as his new apprentice and seeing my potentials. 

    He tells me in join the rest of the students in getting 3 shards from the ruins or I will die if failed. So I went and easily got the 3 shards then one of the last surviving students name Klemral so he attack me for the shards cause there is no rules in how you get them. After defeating him easily, he submit and pretty much see himself as a dead man but I took pity and gave him my shards (Light Side Answer) and got 3 more and return to Darth Baras w/ Vermin and Klemral. Baras see Klemral is not sith material and orders him to work w/ the dude in the prisoner room and Vermin gets extremely pissed after hearing he's not Baras favorite and is ordered back to his office for further instructions. I have one final mission and that is to use the Captured Twi'lek named Vette to find the hidden ruins and she  becomes my first companion character. We made our way to the tomb and unaware that Vermin is lurking in the shadows to kill me when Klemral quickly warned me before he struck (probably save me from being weakened before we fight) and Klemral dies for his effort. The fight against Vermin isn't a cakewalk at all, I died 1st try before beating him then told him he put up and valuated effort and anbody has to die over then but His sith pride would have none of that so i was force w/ killing him (gain Light Side point for not wanting to kill). I finally gain my lightsaber and meet w/ Baras and he is more then pleased w/ what I done on this planed and order me to head to Dromund Kaas (or what i like to call it Dark Kansas). 

Before I head there, I arrived on the Imperial Fleet which is basicly acting like an capital city in space. Their 3 ways to get to Kass but I'll be continue later.

Combat Side 
As a Sith Warrior, you will fall in love w/ Force Charge (lvl 3) and overall it's mostly satisfying. Just thing to note that the lack of a Combat Log really sucks. I like to see my damage input and damage taken cause I like to analyse it to better learn since I an going to be a tank. Me need to know what exactly hit me and stuff.

PvP wise, their is none till you hit 10 and then you'll have to do it in warzones.

Even tho I play this class quest twice during beta, I like where the Sith warrior story is heading. It's like a rise to power type who will do it either by any means necessary or/and by a more doing the helpful and smart thing. 

The Sith Warrior is voiced by Mark Bazeley and is it wrong that I love the way he says " Your Name...... NOW!"?

Stay tune for more of..... The Light Side Juggernaut!

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